The Director of the Church of Ireland Theological Institute, the Revd Canon Dr Maurice Elliott, recently made a presentation on behalf of staff and students to Mrs Mary Furlong to mark her retirement.
The collection at the CITI Carol Service has gone to support the work of the Anglican Diocese in Europe and the mission agency Us (formerly USPG) with refugees in Greece and throughout Europe.
You are invited to join the staff and students of the Church of Ireland Theological Institute at our Advent Carol Service.
Fourteen students from the Church of Ireland Theological Institute have been conferred with MTh (Master in Theology) degrees at the Autumn Commencements in Trinity College Dublin.
Ten student ordinands at the Church of Ireland Theological Institute have been commissioned as student readers by the Archbishop of Dublin.
The Church of Ireland Theological Institute (CITI) in conjunction with Church of Ireland Publishing (CIP) has produced two new titles in its series of selected dissertations emerging from Masters (MTh) students at CITI.
In August a group from the Church of Ireland Theological Institute joined together with the Methodist Training College in Edgehill on a trip to the key Christian sites in Rome. In recent years there has been a consistent effort to strengthen ties between the colleges, in the light of the Covenant, and this trip was a part of that process.
The principals of the four main churches’ theological colleges met at Assembly Buildings, Belfast, to discuss how to incorporate suicide awareness training into their curricula
A group of staff and students from the Church of Ireland Theological Institute, Dublin, and Edgehill Theological College, Belfast, are on a study visit to Rome.