Interview with Marjorie Cavanagh
Lay Ministry: On following God’s call
This interview was published in the Church of Ireland Gazette on 18 March 2016:
Lay Ministry: On following God’s call
This interview was published in the Church of Ireland Gazette on 18 March 2016:
In the run–up to Saint Patrick’s Day [17 March 2016], Canon Patrick Comerford led a retreat for diocesan and parish readers on the topic “The Life of Saint Patrick and his message for us today.”
A recent weekend in the Church of Ireland Theological Institute attracted 55 students who took part in the opening programme of two further training courses.
The Bishop of Limerick and Killaloe, the Right Revd Kenneth Kearon, recently visited the Church of Ireland Theological Institute, preached at the Community Eucharist in the Chapel, joined the community for dinner and met staff and students.
Reader ‘Mini–Retreat’ Conference, March 11th and 12th 2016. “The life of Saint Patrick and his message for us today”.
The Director of the Church of Ireland Theological Institute, the Revd Canon Dr Maurice Elliott, recently made a presentation on behalf of staff and students to Mrs Mary Furlong to mark her retirement.
The collection at the CITI Carol Service has gone to support the work of the Anglican Diocese in Europe and the mission agency Us (formerly USPG) with refugees in Greece and throughout Europe.
You are invited to join the staff and students of the Church of Ireland Theological Institute at our Advent Carol Service.
Fourteen students from the Church of Ireland Theological Institute have been conferred with MTh (Master in Theology) degrees at the Autumn Commencements in Trinity College Dublin.