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“Faith in Sport”, an evening of conversation about life, sport and faith.

“Faith in Sport”, an evening of conversation about life, sport and faith.

Faith in Sport
Faith in Sport
Thursday 12th February, 7pm to 9pm. Church of Ireland Theological Institute, Dublin.

“As part of the Church of Ireland Theological Institute’s  and The Methodist Church’s Edgehill Theological College’s “Faith in Everyday Living” series 2015, Thursday the 12th of February will see Mr Alan Lewis speak about his life and experiences following many years at the top level of international sport.

Having captained and played Cricket for Ireland on 122 occasions and having refereed 47 International rugby matches, Alan brings considerable life experience and insight that many will find both interesting and challenging!

“Faith in Sport”, will be held at the Church of Ireland Theological Institute, Braemor Park, Dublin 14. Cost € 5.00 per person (including refreshments).

For more information, or simply to register attendance, please email David Brown, CITI Lay Training Co–ordinator at davidbrown@theologicalinstitute.ie

David Brown,

Lay Training Co–ordinator. Church of Ireland Theological Institute. +44 (0) 7919016079.


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